Change History

Version Author / Actor Date Change / Activity Status
0.1 M.Jerger 06.02.2012 Initial Creation valid
0.2 M. Paus 07.02.2012 Orthography valid
0.3 M.Klemm 08.02.2012 Target group and document title valid
0.4 P. Raysz 09.02.2012 Content Review valid
0.5 M. Mörike 13.02.2012 Content Review, Feedback extensivly incorporated valid
0.6 G.Bockhorn 20.02.2012 Sharpening objectives and concretising manual valid
0.7 meissa 28.01.2015 Reviewed & translated valid


New Status Implication
draft From the point of view of the author, the content is not complete
valid From the point of view of the authors, the content is complete and correct.
agreed (with Actor) From the point of view of further persons, the content is valid, too.
approved (from Actor) The client / responsible person declares the content valid.