Change History

Version Author / Actor Date Change / Activity Status
0.1 M.Jerger, M.Mörike, M.Caspari, T.Scherer, meissa 05.03.2015 Publishing of DDA Backup 0.5 valid
0.3 M.Jerger, M. Paus, M.Klemm, P. Raysz, M. Mörike, G.Bockhorn, T.Scherer, meissa 11.05.2015 Publication of DDA-Requirements en 0.7 valid
0.4 M.Jerger, meissa 07.11.2015 Publication of dda Configuration Management en 0.1 draft
0.5 M.Jerger, meissa 27.19.2016 Publication of dda Configuration Management en 0.2 valid
0.6 M.Jerger 10.03.2017 Publication of dda backup 1.0 valid


New Status Implication
draft From the point of view of the author, the content is not complete
valid From the point of view of the authors, the content is complete and correct.
agreed (with Actor) From the point of view of further persons, the content is valid, too.
approved (fromr Actor) The client / responsible person declares the content valid.